Frostgrave news: Forgotten Pacts


There will be a new Nickstarter for Frostgrave starting on Monday next week called Forgotten pacts and it will include a new plastic boxed set of Barbarians. Here are pictures of the box art and of some of the figures ( As far as I can tell the figures are metal ones not from the box.



These figures cry Wildlings in the GoT setting to me ! So definitely a box I have to get my fingers on! I found another figure you can get from Northstar. Looks like Brienne of Tarth to me:


The Barbarians should be available in November.

Glover versus Lannister the first battle on the refurbished terrain!

The other day we had a small Dragon Rampant battle between the House Glover and House Lannister over a bridge crossing one of the tributaries of the Trident. Here is the deployment:


The Glovers racing for the bridge

Lannister heavy knights, lead by “The Hound” Sandor Clegane, contesting the crossing.

The House Glover mesnie.

Jaime Lannister overlooking the River.

The Lannister battle.

Sorry no more pictures, as we got carried away while gaming! It was a Lannister victory.

The first halfmen unit

I started work on the first unit of my halfmen army . It is a militia unit. The unit is supposed to be made up of farmers living around the town of Gelsen-Kirchen. A town famous for its church  ( Kirche means church in german). It is lead by a very famous old warrior who fought many battles against the yellow Kobolds of Dort-Mund. In these battles he lost an eye and a leg but he still wants to get back into the fight.                            His name is Ass Hauer :


Here is the unit:


I started painting them yesterday so not much progress to be shown here. I will post new pictures as soon as I finished the first figures.

Here are the refurbished TSS tiles

So now I finished redoing the first batch of my terrain tiles. 8 river tiles and 11 hill tiles. There are a lot more tiles to be done as you can see on the pictures as I mixed old ones with the redone ones to build the table you see on the pictures. There are some more river tiles, open grassland tiles, track tiles and some settlement tiles to be redone or newly build over the next coming months . Here are the pictures !


Hope you like what you see

Just realized that I didn’t put up a before and after picture:

The flocking of the river tiles is finished

I finished the flocking of the river tiles yesterday. On some pictures the PVA hasn’t dried completely, therefore it is not translucent everywhere . The grass tufts were made with the flockbox, the other flocking materials are from woodland scenics and Noch.


The next step will be trimming the reeds and painting on the gloss varnish on the river proper.

Dwarven Forge Terrain video about Miniature wargaming

DF have done a very nice documentary about miniature gaming.

The subject of the documentary is the owner of DF and is largely a biography with the kickstarter (remarkable drama free and smooth) providing the backdrop. A very nice film about our beloved hobby . I enjoyed it.


The Westfalia kickstarter miniatures arrived!!!!!


The Halfmen from Westfalia Miniatures arrived the other day!!! Thank you Kawe the figures are little gems indeed! As you can see above my kickstarter order was quite large. I will build a Dragon Rampant army with 9 units. 1 spear armed one , 1 helebard armed one, one peasant one , one bow unit, one goat rider unit, the paymaster on giant, a mixed spear and bow unit, a sorcerer with acolyte , and Dietrich von Schalke the army general. So a lot to paint and glue. This project will take me through the winter month and then right on time for the next GoT season I will do more of the human type of fantasy figures!

So here are the figures I got:


The army general


The paymaster on giant


The sorcerer with his acolyte


The goat riders


the peasants


the archers


the helbardiers


and the spearmen

Of course I have figures for the leaders musicians and banner bearers for each unit. Next up will be pictures of the units when I built the figures.

Crisis 2016


It is only 51 days until Crisis 2016!!!!!! It will be held on November the 5th 2016 from 10 am to 5 pm . The address of the venue is Hangar 29 Waagnatie, Rijnkaai 150 2000 Antwerpen Belgium. For pictures of last years convention go here. You have to scroll down a bit . The pictures start after the Tactica 2015 report!

The Tin soldiers just published the traders who will attend Crisis. So here it is, the list of traders attending Crisis 2016 complete as hyperlink ( sorry there are a few I couldn’t find an address for) Happy shopping :

Adler Miniatures
Ainsty Castings
Alchemist Miniatures
Baccus 6
Bad Squiddo Games (The Dice Bag Lady)
Battle Foam Ltd.
Battlezone Miniatures
Bicorne Miniatures
Black Scorpion Miniatures
Brigade Models
Bristle Bag
Brother Vinni
Caliver Books
Charlie Foxtrot Models
Close Quarters
Colonel Bill’s Wargames Depot
Comitatus Figurines/ Studio Tomahawk
Conquest Games Ltd.
Crooked Dice Game Design Studio
Dave Thomas
David Lanchester’s Military Books
Dax Magic
Decors & Miniatures
Dust Studios
Eagle Figures
Early War Miniatures
Emperor Toad
Empress Miniatures
Fantasy En’ Counter
Figures in Comfort Ltd.
Figuurtje (‘t)
Fire Forge Games
Flag Dude
Freebooter Miniatures
Frontline Games
Games N Stuff
Germania Figuren
Glenbrook Games & Painting Service
Great Escape Games
Gringo 40s
Gripping Beast
Hawk Wargames
HB Modelsonline
Heer 46
Hitech Miniatures
Hysterical Games
Imaginative Miniatures
Ironclad Miniatures
Kallistra Ltd.
Karwansaray Publishers
Klip ‘ n Play
KR Multicase
Kraken Wargames
L’Antre Jeux
Lesley’s Bit Box
Macrocosm Miniatures
Magister Militum
Mantic Games
May ’40 Miniatures
MBM Models
Micro Art Studio
Millenium Books
Miltary Modelling: IP Trade &Services
More Terrain
Najewitz Modelbau
Neoby Distribution
Plast Craft Games
Plastic Soldier Company Ltd.
Prodos Games
Products for Wargamers
Redoubt Enterprises
Sally 4th
Scale 75
Schilling Figuren
Sgts’ Mess
Shed Games
Shellhole Scenics
SHQ Miniatures
Spectre Miniatures
Steamforged Games Ltd.
Stronghold Terrain
Studio Miniatures
T&S Painting Studio
Tabletopper NL
TGCM Creation
The Assault Group
The Gamestore
The Last Valley
Trolls Under The Bridge
Van Dijck Models & Figurines
Varosh Gamestore
War Mage Games
Warbases UK
Warehouse Games Gmbh (Fantasy Warehouse)
Warfare Miniatures
Wargamer PL
Wargames Foundry
Wargames Illustrated
Wargames Terrain Workshop
Warhouse Games
Warlord Games
Warmonger Miniatures
Warploque Miniatures
Wendy’s Miniatures
Worean Shop

The giveaway figure for the first 1500 through the door, this year, is Queen Maud.



Say hi to Queen Maud. Sculpted by, my very good friend ,Paul HIcks and cast by Griffin moulds, she used to answer to the name Matilde of Flanders before she got married to William the Bastard. Misses The bastard quickly changed her name to The conqueror when her husband went on a excursion to Britain in 1066. As a true couple they shared troops to conquer this country and become King and Queen.

Hope to see some of you at Crisis Antwerp this year!

The TSS tiles before flocking commences

Here are all tiles I am working on at the moment . I finished dry brushing the rocks and will start flocking everything at the weekend.


As you can see the original flocking is not the same on the boards, so I will have to change that during flocking. The flock used will be the one you can see on the river boards. But this will only be the flocking base I will add different shades and length of grass to make it look more natural.