Am I still gaming and modeling?

Yes, of course! Sorry that I haven’t written anything in the last week but real life came in the way. As i am sure happens with you lot often enough, too.

I have done a little more work on the generic steamer Bellota. I started work on the bridge area. this will be the bridge for a cargo vessel . I will do a bridge structure for a tanker and a passenger liner too. The aim is to build one hull and different superstructures to build many different steamers. There will be different funnels, too. Furthermore the cargo holds will be single peaces so that they can be left of when building e.g. a tanker. The tanker will get single peace fuel lines for placing on the deck.

So here is the start of the cargo bridge structure. The railing on the hull has to be cut away on the cast later to place the bridge correctly.




More to come

correcting a resin model

I got the Vorpostenboot model from Warlord and the hull wasn’t really strait as you can see on the picture ( red arrow).


As i had to correct that, I thought I could explain how I did it. As resin reacts with heat, it gets soft and bendy, so I heated up some water and put the model inside for a short time . I didn’t time it properly but I think I left it inside less then 30 sec. Surely the longer you leave the resin in the hot water the more bendy it gets.

When bendy enoughI took out the model and straitened it up. Be careful not to burn your fingers. Next step is to put the model in cold water . The resin gets hard again.

Here is a picture before (on the left) and after( on the right)

Hope that helps a bit if you have issues with bend resin models!

Rheinland build finished

This weekend I finished building the steamer Rheinland. The model is to be used for the Cruel Seas game from Warlord. It is in 1/300 or 6mm scale. it is completely scratch build . More about the build herehere, and here.

I did the molds and the resin casting, too.


The only thing missing are the lifeboats. I will build a Kriegsmarine version next. Depicting the ship as a Hilfskreuzer ( auxiliary cruiser).

S.S. Bellota


This will be my next build for Cruel Seas. I will use this plan as a guideline to build different steamers as convoy ships for Cruel Seas games. The model will be around 24cm long.

I will use the same hull with different superstructures to represent different generic steam ships. Like tankers, frighters, passenger liners etc . Here is the start on the hull.

When finished I will cast the hull in resin to safe me the hassle to always rebuild the same hull . The ships will then get different superstructures also cast in resin to be able to mix and match them accordingly . I will do different funnels, bridge sections etc to build as many different looking ships as possible. So keep an eye on these pages for more updates. I might be able to cast some ships for others if the need arises.