First aid

Here is the next ANZAC figure or more a figure group. A digger medic giving first aid to a wounded ANZAC soldier.

The chopper is coming!

A very nice small vignette showing a medic caring for the wounded.

More to come next week.

The new Vietnamese civilians by Empress Miniatures

Last week I got the new Vietnamese civilians from Empress sculpted by Paul Hicks. Very nice figures indeed . I ordered each figure twice as I wanted to change one each by swiping heads or adding some green stuff to get an even wider variety of miniatures. So above is a female civilian, the left figure is the original the middle and right pictures show what I did.

Left original right the changed figure

I will paint them up over the next coming weeks . Paul Hicks sculpted the same miniatures with weapons! So you can swop miniatures in your games and turn an innocent villager into a VC!

Pictures by Empress Miniatures

Diggers in Vietnam

“The Vietnam War was the longest twentieth century conflict in which Australians participated; it involved some 60,000 personnel and grew from a limited initial commitment of 30 military advisers in 1962 to include a battalion in 1965 and finally, in 1966, a task force. Each of the three services was involved, but the dominant role was played by the Army. After the cessation of combat operations in 1972, a limited number of Australian personnel remained in Vietnam, and elements of the RAAF returned in 1975, carrying out evacuations and assisting refugees almost until the moment of South Vietnam’s surrender.” From the ANZAC Portal , you can read a lot more at ANZAC Portal.

Digger is a military slang term for soldiers from Australia and New Zealand. Evidence of its use has been found in those countries as early as the 1850s, but its current usage in a military context did not become prominent until World War I, when Australian and New Zealand troops began using it on the Western Front around 1916–17. Evolving out of its usage during the war, the term has been linked to the concept of the Anzac legend, but within a wider social context, it is linked to the concept of “egalitarianmateship” You can read more here.

This is the start of a complete new army for my Vietnam War project. It will include an infantry platoon and a few armored vehicles later on. Don’t fear I will come back to some more Vietnamese and Americans later on.

This is the first digger of my Australian infantry platoon. Figures are from Empress Miniatures sculpted by Paul Hicks. Painted with GW contrast colors.

I will do an article in the future about the colors I used.

Many more to come!

Another 60mm mortar on the move

Here are the two missing figures of the Empress Miniatures US Marine 60mm mortar. These are on the move carrying the mortar baseplate and other equipment:

Here is the Marine carrying the mortar and baseplate:

And his partner humping the ammo and rest of the equipment:

Next up a RTO for calling in that much needed fire support.

The complete Company Command squad

Here is the completed company command squad for my NVA army. A really nice pack of figures from Empress Miniatures full of character .

Above is the last missing figure, my company commander .

Next up A US Marine mortar section.