The complete Lannister army

So the Lannister army is finished for the time being .

Here you can see pictures of the completed army: I desaturated the pictures a bit as I think they look better this way . What do you think which color saturation is better ? Just compare with older pictures on the blog, please!

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And Jaime Lannister with his Banner bearer:

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And a special from above view ( the one you see when actually gaming):

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Hope you like what you see !

The complete Lannister archer unit for Dragon Rampant

Here is the complete Lannister archer unit for Dragon Rampant. It is a 12 figure unit for the game by Osprey publishing.

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I hope you like what you see ! If so please leave a comment or a like!

Next will be pictures of the now complete Lannister army and then there will be the start for a completely new GoT faction!

The next Lannister archer

So after returning from Salute and drolling over the goodies I bought there I managed to paint another Lannister bowman last night:


Only one more archer and the officer to do then the unit is finished! Hopefully done until the 25th of April ( the start date for GoT season 6 in Germany!)

Salute 2016 Convention Report

So this years Salute is over. It was a very good show again bigger then the years before. The warlords used a separate hall for queuing, so there was now crowd in the main hall of the convention centre. There was a lot of space to wander around without bumping into other gamers.

Here are a few pictures as appetizer more on the Salute page 

See you next year at Salute 2017!

Salute 2016

Tomorrow on the 16th of April 23016 the Salute show takes place in London! So this will be the last post before the show .


Salute takes place at Londen Excel center. ExCeL London is located in the Docklands area to the east of the centre, just a 10 minute drive from Tower Bridge and a 25 minute drive from Junction 30 on the M25. The venue is also easily reached from Central London via the Limehouse Link and via the M25, A13, M11, A406 (North Circular), the Blackwall Tunnel and Rotherhithe Tunnel from other parts of the country. For more info on how to get there go here. The show will open at 10:00 !

For a list of Traders go here and for a list of Games go here.

Hope to see you there ! As usual expect a photo report of the event from coming monday onwards!