Oathmark Elves revealed

Oathmark Elf Infantry by Northstar. These are the first pictures of the very first figures from Renedra’s factory. 26910767_1953748477987923_992012954906246697_o

A comparison with a Oathmark Ork:


A painted three up:


Pre orders will be possible from April on. watch this space for pictures of the frames.

To Westeros!

Here is a wonderful after action report of a friend of mine over on Lead adventure forum.

Richard AAR

It is a little confrontation between the houses Lannister and Bolton versus Stark , Karstark and Tully.

More here you have to scroll down a bit! Well worth a look many more pictures and a nice report. They are using home-brew rules for this game.

Here is the chief of my Wildling army

Here is the chief of my Wildling army. Da big boss.

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He is build with different parts from the different Northstar boxes the body and the knifes are from the barbarian box the head is from the warrior box , if I remember correctly, the two handed sword I can’t remember were it comes from at the moment , probably from the warrior box too.

With this figure I have finished my Wilding army for the moment . New projects after my summer holiday!

The Lord of Bones

As I promised yesterday here are pictures of the Lord of Bones . One of the leaders of the Game of Thrones Wildlings. He was build from the Barbarian and cultist Frostgrave plastic boxes. The head is from the cultist box. The bones were added with greenstuff as you can see on the first picture.

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Here the Lord is painted:


The Lord of Bones will be the leader of a 6 man Dragon Rampant unit . So five more Wildlings will follow soon.


The chief of the unit and the complete Wildling archer unit

Here is the last missing mini of my 12 man Wildling archer unit for my GoT Dragon Rampant project . This is a strait build from the Frostgrave plastic barbarian set except for the head were I glued the horns on. The head was from my bits box so I can’t really say to which plastic set he belongs to.

Here is the completed unit:


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I hope you like the unit. I think they look quite good . The Barbarian set is a really good set well sculpted figures and very versatile. Very recommended !

Next up will be my take on Wun Wun