The start of a GoT wildling army

The free folk is the name used to refer to themselves by the people who live in the lands beyond the Wall, still on the continent of Westeros but beyond the northern border of the Seven Kingdoms. The name they employ makes reference to their society, which recognizes no inherent or hereditary political authority, except for leaders whom they choose to follow. The people of the Seven Kingdoms refer to the Free Folk derogatorily as wildlings.

Normally the wildlings are divided into many different rival clans ( up to 90 different ones), but occasionally they unite behind a single over-chieftain known as a King-Beyond-the-Wall, as they were under Mance Rayder. A major difference between the Free Folk and the feudal society of the Seven Kingdoms is that they do not recognize a class of hereditary nobility in their society. They take great pride in their “free” status.

When the Barbarian plastic box set from North Star came out a few weeks back I got myself a few boxes as I think they are a good start to do wildlings or free folk. First is a “unit” (is this a term fit for wildlings?) of 12 Bowmen or hunters . They will hunt for game as well as black watch.


The chief of the unit. A Barbarian body and arms with a frostgrafe soldier head with horns from a barbarian head.

first warrior:

A barbarian body with frost grave soldiers arms and Perry arrows.

second warrior:

A complete barbarian build minus the horns on the helmet which I gave to the chief.

third warrior:

A frost grave soldiers body with barbarian arms and head.

fourth warrior:

A barbarian body arms and head with a Perry bow and quiver on the back.

fifth warrior:

Again a strait build from the Barbarian box with the addition of Perry arrows.

sixth warrior:

A frostgrave Soldier body with barbarian arms and head

seventh warrior:

another strait build

eighth warrior:

and another right out of the barbarian box set.

nineth warrior:

A complete barbarian build.

tenth warrior:

A barbarian head and body with frost grave soldiers arms.

eleventh warrior:

A complete barbarian build with Perry arrows.

So these are the twelve figures in the unit for Dragon Rampant. There is one question though.

The wildlings  in the films have all long sleeves . The barbarian arms have bare upper arms. Have a look here:

Would you sculpt long sleeves on the models? I mean the come from the cold !?



Glover versus Lannister the first battle on the refurbished terrain!

The other day we had a small Dragon Rampant battle between the House Glover and House Lannister over a bridge crossing one of the tributaries of the Trident. Here is the deployment:


The Glovers racing for the bridge

Lannister heavy knights, lead by “The Hound” Sandor Clegane, contesting the crossing.

The House Glover mesnie.

Jaime Lannister overlooking the River.

The Lannister battle.

Sorry no more pictures, as we got carried away while gaming! It was a Lannister victory.

The Glover Knights banner bearer

This is the Glover Knight unit banner bearer. I designed the banner differently from my other banners this time. In the books the banners of the sworn Houses are always or at least very often described as showing the Sigil of the house they are sworn to above the own house sigil. Here it is House Stark above House Glover. This makes for a bit of variety on the field of battle later on.

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The figure was build with parts from Perry and Fireforge . As can be seen here:

And more pictures of the knight:

And the complete unit (missing one knight, which is not painted yet):

And the complete House Glover mesnie ( – one knight)

And I somehow forgot to show you the House Brax mesnie as far as it is finished last time . So here are the pictures:

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Hope you like what you see ! If so feel free to leave a like or a comment

The next House Brax Crossbowman

The next crossbowman, again build from the Perry french HyW Box.


When I finish this unit, another 5 figures to do, I will start to work on my terrain tiles. I got these a few years back from TSS. These are a good start for a terrain system but I would like to have them more realistically finished . I would like to add reeds to the river section , make the water in the river and ponds more realistic and add more gravel here and there . Then I will add some new sections to the river like a little harbor a watermill and I want to do a few tiles for a village or small town. After that of course I will have to do some more buildings.

So you see after my summer holiday there will be a prolonged time of terrain building first and of course when the Westfalia halfmen army arrives at my doorstep I will paint those too. So a lot to do for the coming month!

Another billman for the Brax army

Here is another Billman for my Brax Army. Another Perry plastic WotR figure, build from different plastic boxes can’t remember really wish ones I used sorry.
