Bruder Heinz of the 3rd Gruppe, 2nd Gefechtskompanie, Galactic Knights space marines

This is the next member of the 3rd Gruppe lead by Komtur ( sergeant) Karl. He is wearing MK III armor. The Mark III was never intended to replace the Mark II armour but instead was a specialised suit to provide heavier protection than the normal Mark II suit when fighting in conditions similar to that found on the Squat homeworlds, in mines, subterranean complexes or the tight corridors of a spacecraft. It has more frontal protection than the Mark II Armour, but the weight of the rear armour was lessened to compensate. The suit uses a heavy armoured helmet with sloping plates designed to deflect shots to the left and right, thus inspiring its name as the Iron Armour pattern. The helmet inspired the Mark IV and VI helmet designs. The wedge-shaped helmet (designed to deflect incoming fire from the front) formed the basis for the later distinctive Corvus Beak helmet of the Mark VI pattern. Iron Armour clanks and grinds with the slightest movement, making it all but useless in stealth operations. However, the presence of such an imposing and ancient suit of Power Armour is a great honour for all Space Marines and can greatly boost unit morale in combat. ( warhammer 40k wiki)


Bruder Tom member of the 2nd Gruppe, 1st Gefechtskompanie, Galactic Knights space marines

Here is the next member of the 2nd Gruppe, 1st Gefechtskompanie ” Mondkrieger” of the Galactic Knights / Ordo Teutonicus space marine chapter. Bruder Tom:



The first member of the 2nd Gruppe 1st Kompanie ( Mondkrieger)

Here is the first member of the 2nd Gruppe 1st Kompanie ( Mondkrieger) of the Galactic Knights space marine chapter. This is as in every space marine chapter the elite company of the Ordo Teutonicus. They are called Mondkrieger ( Moonwarriors) as they claimed the Moon Münster for their chapter as a new base after the first Homeworld of the chapter was lost to an Ork attack. More on the history of the Galactic knights here.

So here is Bruder Aron in Terminator armor:



Next up will be Bruder Tom of the 2nd Gruppe 1st Gefechtskompanie.