The completed Wildling Army


Here is a picture of the completed Wildling army. I couldn’t post it earlier as I was away on our summer holiday. Now i am back home and in full swing hobby wise again.

Next will be something completely different. I will leave my GoT project for a wile and start something placed more in the distant future . Something about 39000 years distant in the future . Here is a small glimpse:


Here is the chief of my Wildling army

Here is the chief of my Wildling army. Da big boss.

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He is build with different parts from the different Northstar boxes the body and the knifes are from the barbarian box the head is from the warrior box , if I remember correctly, the two handed sword I can’t remember were it comes from at the moment , probably from the warrior box too.

With this figure I have finished my Wilding army for the moment . New projects after my summer holiday!

The Wildling army standard bearer

Every army needs a standard bearer of course. So my wildling Army is no exception. I build him from a Warlord ancients figure a few bits from my bits box like the head of the animal skin and the skull onto of the standard . The pointy things and the Shield are from different Northstar boxes. The animal skin was done with greenstuff.

Here he is painted up in all his glory:


Hope you like him. Next up will be the Chief of the army.

The Lord of Bones

As I promised yesterday here are pictures of the Lord of Bones . One of the leaders of the Game of Thrones Wildlings. He was build from the Barbarian and cultist Frostgrave plastic boxes. The head is from the cultist box. The bones were added with greenstuff as you can see on the first picture.

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Here the Lord is painted:


The Lord of Bones will be the leader of a 6 man Dragon Rampant unit . So five more Wildlings will follow soon.



Wun Weg Wun Dar Wun was a Free Folk Giant who resided at Hardhome before being saved by Jon Snow and taken south of the Wall. He is more commonly referred to by the other Free Folk as “Wun Wun”. Here is my take on the GoT WunWun.

Used this miniature as a base for conversion.

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I used a lot of grey stuff, something like green stuff but softer to dress him more like a giant from the north and gave him a beard like WunWun has in the films:

The square I sculpted on the base is for a die, to use as wound marker in Dragon Rampant. I found smaller dies later so the painted model looks a bit different.

Here is the finished sculpt:

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And here he is painted:

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and with marker die:

and next to the Lord of bones for size comparison:

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More pictures of the Lord of bones in the next days.