VC RPG gunner

This is a figure with a head swap. The figure is a regular NVA RPG gunner . I changed the head against a head with a traditional hat to make him look more like a VC. The head and the figure are from Empress.

Here is the original miniature next to the one with the new head:

A little support for the VC

An angry “mama san” and her brother who lost his leg to a booby trap. They seem to be quite inocent.

But ever so often you find out, the hard way, that inocence is not very often to be found

They got a little present from up north , in the form of an old german MG.

Just a harmless woman tending the field

This is another one of the VC in disguise by Empress Miniatures. A very nice sculpt, especially the face.

But if she gets disturbed, she runs to the hidden weapons and gets the gun out:

And both figures next to each other:

The proud owner of a rice paddy

This Vietnamese village elder looks proudly over the rice paddies of his village, or is he looking for the imperialist enemy?

OOPs, he had a rifle hidden in the elephant grass behind him… better look more closely next time!