Another Hut for my Vietnamese village

The same hut as I have shown you previously, just raised from the ground, as many of the jungle huts ,you can see on historic pictures, were.


Complete with an underground entrance to a VC hideout. Or is it just a storeroom?


Comparrison with the other hut:

There will be a smaller hut in the future. Just printing it out.


A Vietnamese hut

As the paint on the flight stand and the Hueys isn’t dry jet I thought I show you pictures of the next project. A vietnamese hut for a jungle village. As I got a 3D printer for x was I thought to use it to print a hut for my jungle terrain. Or a complete village? Not sure jet.

As I didn’t find an appropriate STL online I designed the hut myself using tinkercad.

Here are the pieces I designed:

Sorry forgot to take a picture of the roof.

Here are pictures of the printed version. Glued to a base.




I will post more pictures of the progress in the future. There is a smaller version without the veranda and a raised version for swamp settlements in the pipeline.

More terrain pieces for my Vietnam project

As a break from painting miniatures and as I like building terrain as much as painting miniatures, I started to do some more terrain for my Vietnam gaming table. I decided that my jungle wasn’t dense enough so there have to be more jungle scatter pieces. There were only a few palm trees so there have to be done some more. But most important I wanted to do some bigger elephant grass patches and a landingzonye for my choppers.

So I started with some palm trees . I use the plastic stuff you can get from sign makers as offcuts. This is quite sturdy and takes glue and paint well. I hot glued the trees to this and put some filler and sand on them to define the base of the trees.

Some of the trees were just glued to a washer and a 25mm mdd base to have a smaller footprint on the table and fit between the other terrain pieces. The washer was used to make the base heavier and prevent the tree from falling over. Then I painted the bases and added plastic plants and flock like on my other jungle pieces.

here are the finished pieces:

The elephant grass test piece was done by glueing pieces of artificial grass to a plastic base , adding filler round the edges of the grass to blend it all in , adding sand and scatter and of course paint.


So this looks like a small path through the grass doesn’t it?

some more pictures:

Next up my LZ ( landing zone) done like the elephant grass with a wider central free space for the choppers to land in:


Some more pictures:

And all the pieces I have finished at the moment:

Next project will be a village in the jungle with rice paddies, hooches , and animal pens.

A jungle for my Vietnam project


Here are a few pictures of my started jungle terrain for my Vietnam war project. I know that the color of the soil in Vietnam is a lot more red than my soil color but I wanted to be able to use my other terrain tiles with this project so to let them be used together I had to use the color I used on my older stuff ,too.

I got inspiration and a how to from the terrain tutor over on youtube . Have a look here.


I will ad a lot more in the future . Paddy fields , other trees more palm trees , streets and buildings.

Making your own clump foliage from upholstery foam

As i have to do some terrain for my ongoing Vietnam war project. I need a lot of clump foliage for my jungle terrain, so instead of buying it I thought about doing it myself. I know someone who does upholstery as a profession and he gave me offcuts of upholstery foam seen here:


I cut it into smaller peaces with a pair of scissors and added these together with some water into a blender. I blended them for a few seconds and had this:


So this doesn’t look like terrain clumps as the color is all wrong. So I put the still damp foam shreds int a bowl with household paint and some PVA:


And this is what came out after mixing the foam shreds with the color:


two different shades of green clump foliage and some brown:


This took me about half an hour to do. The clumps have to dry now for 24h and will be ready to do a coarse scatter for the jungle bases and the bases of my miniatures.

This wasn’t my original idea to be fair, though I nicked it from Mel, aka the terrain tutor.

you can see a video by him about the process here

I will post more about my vietnam terrain as I create it.