No “Crisis” this Weekend due to the COVID pandemic

As there is no “Crisis 2020” today I will post a collection of pictures of past Crisis conventions as a little diversion from the daily bad news. I sincerely hope that there will be a “Crisis2021” but as of today I doubt that this is going to happen. I really miss all the friends I usually meet with at “Crisis” in Antwerp. I haven’t seen you for a year now and I fear it will take a lot longer until we see us again. I suppose “Salute21” in London will also be cancelled so it looks like another year until meeting might be possible again.

So to cheer us all up here are the promised pictures:

Crisis 2019:

And Crisis 2018:

If this is not enough, just get yourself a beer or your favorite beverage and enjoy the complete picture reports of :

Crisis219, Crisis2018, Crisis2017/1, Crisis2017/2, Crisis 2016, Crisis2015

So this should keep you busy during the Crisis 2020 weekend and hopefully we can enjoy each others company and an occasional beer together next year. Keep safe and healthy !!!

Salute 2019 convention report


So another Salute went by.  Altogether it was a grand show. Lots of traders , very many very well presented games like the one above wich got the best of show award. But it seemed to be a little bit less crowded then in the years before. What ever the reason for this it is still a show worth going to! I met a lot of old friends wich in itself is a good reason to go just to catch up on the social side of the hobby.

Here are about 250 pictures I took during the day in no special order :

If you have been there as well I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did . Role on Salute 2020

Salute 2019

On saturday the 6th of April 2019 this years Salute will be held at London Excel exhibition center.

Bildschirmfoto 2019-04-04 um 08.24.48

The theme is: Survivors, post apocalypse

Therefore this years figure is the last woman standing:


More info on 

Here are a few pictures of last years Salute as a teaser:

Hope to see you there ! A photo report will follow next Monday.


The Kiepencon 2019 a convention report

Yesterday was the Kiepencon in Münster Germany. In the last years I went there as a punter only. This year I staged a cruel seas participation game.

the venue was the same as in the years before.

Except that all rooms of the venue were used . The x wing tournament was held in two separate rooms on the first floor:

As i had to run my own game I have, sadly, no more pictures of the running tournament.

Here are pictures of all the games that could be seen and taken part in during the day:

Adeptus Titanicus:

A splendid pirat game:

And my own cruel seas participation game. We played the second scenario from the rulebook about seven times and the tanker got sunk by torpedoes only once! Definitely something has to be done about the torpedo rules I think. The people managed to pick up the game mechanics very quickly and much fun was had by all. Warlord gave us some spurs of german s boats and vespers to give away as incentives. So the winner of each game could pick a sprue!

It was a brilliant day out . I would recommend attending the Kiepencon next year if you are near Münster. Probably a new venue is needed in the next year if the con continues to grow that fast !! Until next year……

The Salute 2018 Photoreport

So another Salute is gone by and I took a lot of photos like every year. The show was like the years before very well organized and despite the mass of people there wasn’t a very  long delay to get in. The games were very well presented and the selection of traders was outstanding. But there is one point I have to criticize , the lighting . When you got into the  Salute venue it was very dark. So dark that it was sometimes difficult to take decent pictures ( as you sadly will se below). There could be more light and in the venue next door ( a wedding convention ) it was very different , much more light !

But without further ado here are the pictures:

A blood and plunder game:


Here you can see how dark it was:


A selection of the nice Sarissa MDF Buildings


Two games of Blood red Sky by Warlord , the carrier is in the same scale as the planes , outstanding:


New greens and plastic sprues from Warlord:


Doctor WHO by Warlord:



Victrix figures:


A world war II Game Leros


Painting tutorial:


Perry greens:


A Western game:


Saga by Gripping Beast:


Swordpoint by Gripping Beast:


The battle of TewkesburyMay 1471:


The Druid game by Wargames illustrated:


4 Ground buildings:


Glory in the halls of Montezuma


1761 Raid at Gaskin’s Plantation:


Zombie attack on Salute 18 ( an outstanding idea for a game):


Miscellaneous pictures:


So these are all the pictures I took . I hope you get an overview of the convention by them.

I thoroughly enjoyed the show and am already looking forward to next year ! Thanks Warlords for a splendid show and remember maybe next year the lighting could be better?!

Roll on Crisis Antwerp 2018!



Part 2 of the Tactica 2018 picture report

Here is the rest of the pictures I took at the Tactica 2018, enjoy:

Warhammer 40.000:


Battle of Hattin:

Black Hawk down:


Foreign Legion:



Bir el Gubi (Flames of War):

French Indian war Diorama:

Unbelievably detailed ancient ships. Sorry somehow forgot to get the name of the chap who makes these. If anybody knows please tell me so I can credit him here.

Italy 1943 Diorama:

That was the rest of the pictures I took at this years Tactica. That gets me two conventions visited ( Kiepe in Münster and Tactica in Hamburg) and two more to come this year, Salute/London and Crisis/Antwerp. Halftime!

Kiepen Con 2018


I have been to the Kiepen Con in Münster Germany yesterday. a new convention now in its second year. Very nice little con with beautiful games and an x wing tournament. This year there were so many games that there was literally no space left for a bring and buy which they had last year. Here are pictures of the venue:

Now the games:

A very beautiful blood and plunder game:

A Steinhagel ( a german rules system) game:







A very well done Dungeon quest game;


Of gods and mortals:

Daleks in Münster:

The bring and buy:


The x wing tournament in full swing:


A very good little convention in the heart of the Münsterland . I am pleased we have a convention so near to my hometown now. I think maybe next time the venue should be a bit bigger to let a bring and buy be possible again. Maybe a few more traders would be nice. I will be definitely back next year.

The Kiepe Convention in Münster Gievenbeck Germany

As I posted before I went to the Kiepe tabletop convention together with my son Fynn.


The convention was held in the La Vie youth club in Münster Gievenbeck a very airy well lid flight of rooms, as you can see here:

They had a bring and buy , a lot of participation games,  a x wing tournament and a bar.

Here are pictures of the x wing tournament:

There was a very well done dead man’s hand participation game:


An Age of Sigmar participation game:



two blood bowl participation games complete with fan outfits for the Reikland Reavers etc:

A Participation game of Saga , Vikings versus Normans:


And a Congo participation game were we took part. Objective of the game was to catch King Kong . This was to be prevented by the natives. It was great fun and the result was a draw.


King Kong a Schleich miniature!

All in all a very good little convention . We will be there again next year ! Maybe it would be nice to have some lokal traders at the con next year if possible. I know with such a little event it might not be worth for the traders to come but in a few years time if the convention grows ! Anyway very recommended if you want to try out an alternative rules system.





New tabletop convention in Münster Germany

On Sunday the 22nd of January there will be a new tabletop convention in Münster Germany.


The Kiepe will be at the “La Vie” in Münster Gievenbeck,  Dieckmannstrasse 127 , 48161 Münster. The convention will run from 10.00 – 6.00. There is no entrance fee and free parking. More on Facebook.

I will be there and do a foto report afterwards. Maybe  we can meet there !