Salute 2019 convention report


So another Salute went by.  Altogether it was a grand show. Lots of traders , very many very well presented games like the one above wich got the best of show award. But it seemed to be a little bit less crowded then in the years before. What ever the reason for this it is still a show worth going to! I met a lot of old friends wich in itself is a good reason to go just to catch up on the social side of the hobby.

Here are about 250 pictures I took during the day in no special order :

If you have been there as well I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did . Role on Salute 2020

Salute 2019

On saturday the 6th of April 2019 this years Salute will be held at London Excel exhibition center.

Bildschirmfoto 2019-04-04 um 08.24.48

The theme is: Survivors, post apocalypse

Therefore this years figure is the last woman standing:


More info on 

Here are a few pictures of last years Salute as a teaser:

Hope to see you there ! A photo report will follow next Monday.