Steam Ship Bellota finally finished


So this weekend saw the Bellota finished in both versions. I added the missing live boats and davids and the masts and rigging. Only thing to add now is some crew and paint .

Here is the ballast version of the ship:

and the loaded version:

as you can see by adding different vent layouts you can create slightly different versions of the ship.

And both together in one picture. The Warlord trawler for size comparison. Next will be different funnels, the tanker and liner versions.

Casting the steamer

As I said in the last post I wanted to make moulds of the steamer Bellota. Here they are:


Here are the first casts of the parts:


And the build steamer. The life boats and davids are still missing as are the air vents. I have to do two part molds for these. Will be done next week. Furthermore the masts are missing these will be done with brass rod.

Here is a picture of the cast steamer:


Some more pictures from different angles:

And pictures with the Warlord tanker alongside for size comparison:

The model as shown above is supposed to show the ship in ballast so riding very high in the water. I have done a loaded version ,too, have still to put it together, will show later.

Now I will do the tanker and liner version next!

The steamer Bellota is finished

I finished the parts of the steamer Bellota in the last days and did the molds yesterday. Here are the components of the ship:


These parts are cast separately to be able to use the hull for different layouts and to make the individual molds smaller.

This is what the steamer looks like:

And here is a size comparison with a warlord vosper hull:


As you see it is quite big but not as big as the trumpeter liberty ship. More when the first parts are cast. Hopefully tonight.


S.S. Bellota


This will be my next build for Cruel Seas. I will use this plan as a guideline to build different steamers as convoy ships for Cruel Seas games. The model will be around 24cm long.

I will use the same hull with different superstructures to represent different generic steam ships. Like tankers, frighters, passenger liners etc . Here is the start on the hull.

When finished I will cast the hull in resin to safe me the hassle to always rebuild the same hull . The ships will then get different superstructures also cast in resin to be able to mix and match them accordingly . I will do different funnels, bridge sections etc to build as many different looking ships as possible. So keep an eye on these pages for more updates. I might be able to cast some ships for others if the need arises.