A hut for my jungle terrain

As I started on my Vietnam war project during the summer and have finished a few miniatures now I thought it is time to start on some terrain for my games. I got a 3D printer from my wonderful wife and so the terrain making starts. I got the Anicubic Photon 3d resin printer a wonderful machine indeed. You can get more information here.

Here is a picture of the machine:

I got an STL file of a carribian hut which fits in with the vietnamese rural landscape quite well:

You can get the file here.

I printed the file and build it using superglue which worked quite well. I painted it with my airbrush and a few washings based it and added a palm tree ( available on eBay) and here it is:


Here is a US marine figure next to it . I printed it in the size it came in. Of course you could resize it in any scale you would like. I am quite happy with it. It won’t be the last structure to print for my terrain needs.


If someone knows other STL files useful for my Vietnam war project please leave a comment , thanks.

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