The Doliche Diaries

You always wanted to know how an excavation is done? Why we do what we do? You have asked yourself what we actually do during a day of an archaeological excavation? Or do you want to know how we prepare for a 2-month-long excavation abroad? Then follow our journey. We will publish reports, pictures and background information about our excavation project in Doliche, south-east Turkey. The aim is to show our work from a different perspective than the sole academic viewpoint. We hope to give you a glimpse behind the scenes of our everyday life.

Follow our Blog entries or have a look in our galleries for pictures from recent excavations. We will keep you updated during our stay in Doliche and will also post entries which follow our work after the campaign is over. 

The Doliche Diaries is a Blog my Son Fynn runs. He is an Archeologist, figure painter and wargamer. The blog content is not really about figures, wargaming and terrain like this one, but you can learn a lot about how archeology works on a day to day basis. So if you collect Roman armies or have an interest in roman culture have a look at The Doliche Diaries !

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