The Kiepencon 2019 a convention report

Yesterday was the Kiepencon in Münster Germany. In the last years I went there as a punter only. This year I staged a cruel seas participation game.

the venue was the same as in the years before.

Except that all rooms of the venue were used . The x wing tournament was held in two separate rooms on the first floor:

As i had to run my own game I have, sadly, no more pictures of the running tournament.

Here are pictures of all the games that could be seen and taken part in during the day:

Adeptus Titanicus:

A splendid pirat game:

And my own cruel seas participation game. We played the second scenario from the rulebook about seven times and the tanker got sunk by torpedoes only once! Definitely something has to be done about the torpedo rules I think. The people managed to pick up the game mechanics very quickly and much fun was had by all. Warlord gave us some spurs of german s boats and vespers to give away as incentives. So the winner of each game could pick a sprue!

It was a brilliant day out . I would recommend attending the Kiepencon next year if you are near Münster. Probably a new venue is needed in the next year if the con continues to grow that fast !! Until next year……

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