“Eardrumsplitta and the Waaaagh singers”

Now that I dropped out of the build something Contest on Lead Adventure Forum I can show pictures of the finished and painted build. Here is the picture I handed in for the contest. You were only allowed to send in one picture .Contestbild

Here is the man himself “Mr. Eardrumsplitta”:


The drummer:


Simon thats one of the Gretchin you gave to me so generously!

The guitarist:


The bassman:


The Stage:


Turn up the volume!


The Tank:

And a few shots of the band:


Hope you like my effort. if so feel free to like or leave a coment!

2 thoughts on ““Eardrumsplitta and the Waaaagh singers”

  1. That looks amazing. I love all the little details, the weathering is top notch and overall the idea and execution is excellent. My favourite is the drummer with his mushroom stick. It reminds me a lot of the Orc version of the Mad Max fury road music truck. Also reminds me of a song by the German metal band Majesty: Heavy Metal Battlecry. 😉

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